
I've been putting off writing this blog for quite some time. If I'm being honest with myself, part of it comes down to not knowing exactly what I want to write about. If I'm being even more honest with myself: I've always known what I want to write about, but I keep holding myself back, wondering if it was "on-brand." Hopefully, today will serve as a step in the right direction. What direction is that? I, honestly, don't know yet, but here's to figuring it out together.

Hello there,

My name is Kris, and I am a gamer, a former photographer, a minimalist, a dad, a husband, an IT employee, and a content creator. I have so many varying but somewhat related interests, and I've been struggling to find a way to make them all mesh together cohesively. I'm learning that it's much harder to do than I hoped... at least, in a way that satisfies me above all else.

I suppose I'm just anxious. Who am I kidding? Aren't we all?

I hope you'll stick with me on this journey of self-(re?)discovery.